Friday, July 20, 2007

They say a picture says a thousand words
Well all this one says to me is

I had put all of my plans into action that this weekend was going to be the takeover of the plot and rescue it back from the nasty weeds
But the weeds used there secret weapon yet again Mother nature and her dreaded rain so it looks like it has got the better of me and my petrol strimmer yet again . I think im going to have to sit it out with a few cans of carling and maybe one or two magners and see what tomorrow morning brings ...
New update will follow soon ....................

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Not enough time

Unfortunately i have let the plot get out of order and it is now looking like a wildlife sanctuary . I have let work and other hobbies take over my life and have put the allotment to the back off my list .
I think i have visited it about twice in the last 3 months and that was just to fetch some tools which i left in the shed down there .
Also the weather has been a big factor of why i haven't visited but that is no excuse .
I am just waiting for the rain to pass and i will nip down there and take some pictures to show what poor state i have let it get to .